Community Ministries Newsletter: August

Thursday, August 1st, 2024

We are excited to bring you the latest edition of the Community Ministries newsletter! Community Ministries is a ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta dedicated to serving those experiencing homelessness and those in transition in Midtown Atlanta and beyond. Every week, Community Ministries can expect to serve over 600 clients through social services, feeding ministries, the Clothing Corner, the Hospitality Closet, and the Mailroom.

Continue reading for news on upcoming workdays and trainings, urgent donation needs, and an opportunity to learn more about our Director of Operations, Jacob Ivey!

Workdays: A Success with More to Come!

The first two summer volunteer workday were successful! On our first workday with the help of the FPC College Group, we were able to move all the necessary items from Fifield Hall to our brand-new space on the first floor of the Smith Building. On our second workday, with the help of 14 volunteers, we successfully completed reorganizing the Clothing Corner shelving.

In fact, the summer workdays were such a success that after many requests Community Ministries will begin hosting them monthly!

If you or anyone else, you know is interested we will begin hosting workdays monthly every second Sunday of the month! This means that our next workday will be August 11th from 1pm to 3pm. Another upcoming workday will be held from 1pm to 3pm on September 8th. No prior training is required! 

Volunteers will meet on the first floor of the Smith Building in the Charles Black and Connie Lee Community Ministries Center.

Those interested in volunteering for a workday can sign-up using the link below.

Urgent Need: Underwear

Underwear is something that we often take for granted in our day-to-day life. Many of our Community Ministries neighbors struggle to find clean underwear on a regular basis and frequently look to resources like Community Ministries to provide it.

As the summer months heat up and Community Ministries clients frequent Community Ministries facilities more and more, underwear has become a scarce resource.

This month please consider donating new men’s or women’s underwear in the following sizes:

-             Small

-             Medium

-             Large

-             XL

All donations can be mailed to the church and addressed to Community Ministries or brought to the church’s rear security entrance off Art Center Way, Monday through Thursday between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, or on Sundays between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm.

A Month in Numbers: July

Community Ministries has had a busy month in July! With temperatures and rainfall increasing more and more clients are seeking shelter and services at Community Ministries facilities.  

Community Ministries also successfully restarted the Sunday Prayer Breakfast as of July in addition to starting up showers! All of this has contributed to the following statistics:

Showers Provided: 32

Sandwich Bags Provided: 1200

Breakfast Served: 132

Clothing Corner Served: 187

Social Services Served: 256

Mailroom Served: 815

Total Individuals Served: 2622

Virtual Fall ‘Community of Service’ Sessions

Community of Service trainings are back! Join Community Ministries for a virtual fellowship event where we will explore the meaning of volunteering, discover the various volunteer opportunities available with Community Ministries, and learn more about the individuals we serve. This will be an interactive, engaging, and informative time led by the Director of Community Ministries Operations, Jacob Ivey.

This event is open to anyone interested and is suitable for all ages and levels of experience. Current and past volunteers are highly encouraged to attend and learn more about Community Ministries and what it means to be in fellowship with one another and those we serve.

Sessions will be held virtually via Zoom on August 22nd from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, September 19th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, and October 21st from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. To register click on the button below!

WABE Mailroom Article

 Our fantastic mailroom was highlighted in a WABE article discussing the ways in which our neighbors will be affected by new voter registration laws this election season. Not only does this article do an excellent job highlighting and discussing the issue but it also includes some awesome pictures of the mailroom and our incredible volunteers!

Donations Needed

We at Community Ministries are deeply appreciative of every donation we receive! It is because of the generosity of our donors and volunteers that we can fulfill our mission.

Individuals can donate by either delivering items physically to the church or purchasing them through our Amazon Wishlist. Physical donations can be dropped off at the church’s rear security entrance off of Art Center Way, Monday through Thursday between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, or on Sundays between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm.

Here is a list of our current needs:

Community Ministries Staff Introductions: Jacob Ivey

What is your role with Community Ministries?

I am the director of operations. I have the honor of supporting all the fantastic work our volunteers do.  

How long have you been with Community Ministries?

I have been with Community Ministries for 7 months.

What is your favorite part of working for Community Ministries?

I love the opportunity to be in fellowship with our neighbors and especially our fantastic volunteers. Our volunteers here at Community Ministries are unmatched in their commitment to serving others!

Jacob, tell us a fun fact about yourself?

Well in addition to my professional career I am also a balloon animal artist who regularly ties balloons at charity events.


What is your favorite service that we provide?

My favorite service has got to be the Clothing Corner! I can’t think of a more transformative experience than clothing those in need.


Community Ministries Newsletter: September


Community Ministries Newsletter: July